Overview | Ion Beam Analysis | Ion Implantation | Subatomic Physics | Environmental Isotopes Lab | Infrastructure | Beam Time Schedule | Staff
- EN Tandem Accelerator, with
- 64-sample AMS ion source.
- 860 single-sample sputter source.
- ALPHATROSS ion source.
- AMS Low Energy Injection and High Energy Analysis Systems.
- AMS Carbon-14 sample preparation laboratory.
- AMS cosmogenic isotope sample preparation facilities.
- Oxford Scanning Microprobe for Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) and Rutherford Back-Scattering (RBS).
- Heavy Ion Elastic Recoil Detection (HI ERDA) set-up.
- Large scattering chamber for Total Ion Beam Analysis (TIBA).
- Low-energy nuclear-reaction set-up.
- Thermofisher Delta V Mass Spectrometer.
- Los Gatos Laser Water Isotope Analyser (LWIA).
- Two Perkin Elmer Liquid Scintillation Counters for tritium and Carbon-14 hydrology.
- Varian 350D/300XP ion implanter.
- Varian 200-20AF ion implanter.
- Broad Energy-Range High-Purity Germanium (BEGE) detector in lead castle.
- Mechanical Workshop.
- Electronics Workshop.