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Overview | K200 SSC | K8 SPC1 | K11 SPC2 | 11 MeV PET | 3MV Tandetron | 6MV EN Tandem | 70 MeV Cyclone | Parameters | Infrastructure | Staff |



iThemba LABS provides accelerator and ancillary facilities that are used for research and training in nuclear and accelerator physics, radiation biophysics, radiochemical and material sciences and radionuclide productions. Proton beams are accelerated to a maximum energy of 200 MeV (megaelectron volt) in the K=200 separated sector cyclotron (SSC), pre-accelerated with a K=8 solid-pole injector cyclotron (SPC1), for use in the production of radionuclides. Radionuclides produced at iThemba LABS are used in research and industry, various radiopharmaceuticals are prepared for diagnostic imaging at nuclear medicine centers.

Beam is delivered to the different users for 24 hours per day and seven days per week. The beam schedule is semi-rigid, with the Radionuclide Productions Department taking the beam on Monday and Tuesday. The intensity of the proton beam used for the latter application can be increased up to 300 μA, but is limited to typically 220 μA and 80 μA, depending on the target to be irradiated. The rest of the beamtime is reserved for subatomic physics experiments scheduled via the Program Advisory Committee (PAC). Beams of light and heavy ions as well as polarized protons, pre-accelerated in a second solid-pole injector cyclotron (SPC2), are used for nuclear physics experiments.

The proton beam that is used for the production of radionuclides and neutron therapy, is pre-accelerated in the first solid-pole injector cyclotron (SPC1) to an energy of 3.14 MeV and then finally in the separated-sector cyclotron (SSC) to an energy of 66 MeV at an RF frequency of 16.37 MHz

Our Accelerators

K200 Separated Sector Cyclotron (SSC)

K200 SSC is a variable energy machine, which was designed to accelerate protons to a maximum beam energy of 200 MeV.
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K8 Solid-Pole Injector Cyclotron (SPC1)

SPC1 is a variable-energy machine and was designed to accelerate protons to a maximum beam energy of 8 MeV.
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K11 Solid Pole Injector Cyclotron (SPC2)

SPC2 is a four-sector, solid-pole cyclotron with two 90 degrees and an extraction radius of 0.476 m
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11 MeV PET Cyclotron

11 MeV cyclotron used to produce positron emission tomography (PET) radioisotope 18F.
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3 MV Tandetron

3 MV Tandetron Accelerator with IBA beam lines delivers specialized ion beams.
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6 MV EN Tandem Accelerator 

6MV Tandem Accelerator produces long-lived radioisotopes used in AMS
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 Enhancing research and production of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine

70 MeV Cyclone
The acquisition of a 70 MeV Cyclotron dedicated to the production of new generation medical isotopes used mainly in the diagnosis of critical illnesses

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